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CANI® Competition Squads

For more info on the competition squads click on the appropriate link below

Many of you will be aware that competitive canoeing activity within Northern Ireland had flagged somewhat in the last decade. Being a “recreational paddler” myself, I have to admit that I have been guilty of concentrating on recreational aspects of our sport and neglecting the needs of our more competitive colleagues. However, over the past couple of years, the CANI® League, under the excellent guidance of Anne Devlin, has demonstrated a significant growth in interest in competitive canoeing. Also a number of groups have appeared who are keen to develop in particular disciplines and some individuals are already performing at national or international; level.

Considering the current level of interest in competitive disciplines, CANI® Council has now instigated a support programme aimed at encouraging the formation of competition squads. It is intended that our best paddlers will be encouraged to achieve their full potential through more focused , discipline specific coaching and better training facilities. Of course, it is to be hoped that improved performance in competition will raise the profile of our sport and thereby, also benefit those of us who remain firmly non-competitive.

Two squad managers have been appointed so far. These are Nigel Graham, who is responsible for the Canoe Polo squad, and Ray Rowe, who is responsible for the Racing squad. So if you are interested in Canoe Polo, Sprint or Marathon Racing then these are the people to contact.

I hope to see at least two more officially supported squads operating within the next few months. In the meantime, if you have been competing on a particular discipline that you believe should be better supported by CANI® or you are feeling isolated and would like to find other canoeists with an interest on developing your branch of our sport then contact CANI® via the office or any Council Member.

Mike Harron


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